We Invest In: Humanity, Promise, Equity, and Our Future

About us

We invest in the brilliant minds and revolutionary ideas found when you look with courage and intention. We search beyond particular pedigrees to truly see people, knowing creativity and ingenuity flourish everywhere, regardless of personal privilege.

We untap the radiant power of continual learning found within diverse populations to grow individuals, businesses, communities, and the world.

We educate, we support, we fund, and we uplift. We are DEED.


Leaders &
Disruptors &
Dreamers &
Makers &
Game Changers

At Deed, the idea of systematically wasted potential is inexcusable. Traditional funding of entrepreneurs is an exceedingly lopsided endeavor in favor of white males, often with ivy league degrees. The numbers are stark: 77% of all funding goes to white founders and 91% to men. We know world-changing ideas transcend formal education and backgrounds. The best are sharpened within restraints, and it is our calling to elevate the human potential others might not see.

Our Purpose

Driving Meaningful Change

Simply funding talent is not enough. We believe in the power of caring beyond immediate returns. After all, a true sense of belonging comes from those you choose to build something bigger with, and that’s how we approach those we work with. Wisdom is shared across those who build their businesses and communities with us, broadening individual and collective platforms as we go.


We are looking for those with motivation for greatness, beyond the current sea of sameness


We are creating space and community to nurture complex ideas over time


We are helping to build the new kind of leader the world needs


We are building a new playing field, with new rules, where not just some—but all—people can win


John Basnage
  1. Skeptical optimist
  2. Brainstormer
  3. Connector
  4. Distracted
Allyn L. Shaw
  1. Relentless optimist
  2. Be brilliant. Be brief. Be done
  3. Substantial & loving
  4. Unapologetically vulnerable
Mark Gilmour
  1. Curiosity driven dreamer
  2. Human-centered experience maker
  3. Seeks paradoxes
  4. Embraces science; runs from Excel
Yvette Burton
  1. Learning architect
  2. Business researcher
  3. Serial disruptor
  4. Principled
Kenneth Kwok
  1. Born this way
  2. Hot as ice
  3. Papa don’t preach
  4. I didn’t know my own strength

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